Twenty Practical Ways to Love Your Wife and Family

by John Enderby

Are you "old" enough to recall what year the following events occurred? The top song that year was "Bridge Over Troubled Waters," the Beatles announced their breakup and more people watched "Marcus Welby" than any other show on television. On the pro basketball scene, the Knicks beat the Chamberlain led Lakers in seven for the NBA title. In college hoops, the talent and charisma of tournament MVP Sidney Wicks propelled UCLA to their fourth straight NCAA championship with an 80-69 victory over Jacksonville.
    The year....1970.  For millions of young women, their favorite movie (not mine) was syrupy tearjerker called "Love Story."  Ali Macgraw's words, "Love means you never have to say your sorry," echoed throughout the land.  You know, 28 years ago I considered that line an innocuous expression, but I have since realized it's pretty misleading and superficial.  In reality, true love means you will say you are sorry.  True love means sacrifice, dedication, perseverance, acceptance and so much more.
    I'd like to offer you some suggestions on how to express your love and appreciation for your spouse and family.  Please consider these twenty ideas.

  1. Each day hug your wife tightly and tell her that you love her. Do the same with your children, regardless of how old they are.

  2. Be quick to admit, "I am wrong, I am sorry, please forgive me."

  3. Be quick to say, "I forgive you," when family member says they have been wrong.

  4. Turn off the TV, turn to your wife, and ask her questions about her world.

  5. Write notes of encouragement for each family member, mention you love them and are proud of them.

  6. Surprise your wife.  Plan a special night out.

  7. Fix breakfast, or take your family out for breakfast, on a Saturday morning.

  8. Continue to help meet the emotional needs of your spouse like we discussed last month.

  9. Give focused attention when your spouse or child talks to you.

  10. Send your wife flowers or buy her a special gift, just because.

  11. Praise your spouse in front of your mutual friends.

  12. Say and do things that tell your wife and family they are priority in your life.

  13. When you say you are going do something, do it. Don't break your promises.

  14. Look for ways to help your wife around the home. Help with dishes, pick up the kids from the mall, vacuum the carpet, etc.  True love means serving others.

  15. Ask your wife where she would like to go on a date and then do it.

  16. Give 10-minute neck and back rubs to your mate on a regular basis.

  17. Take each of your children (individually) out for a lunch or dinner date, just the two of you.  Share with them what life was like when you were their age.

  18. Make it a point to express love and appreciation to your wife when your children can see and hear it.

  19. The next time you and your wife get into a debate, apply the words of St. Francis by trying to understand her feelings more than you want to be understood.

  20. Bring laughter and joy into your home. Twenty years from now when your children think about you, may their thoughts be, "Dad was a great guy, he smiled and laughed a lot. He enjoyed being around me. Home was a great place to be because of him!"

Go ahead and give these suggestions a try. I am sure you will generate and glean many blessing to last your lifetime and beyond!